The International MegaGauss Science Laboratory at the Institute for Solid State Physics in the University of Tokyo, and the Center for Advanced High Magnetic Field Science at the Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, are Japanese user facilities dedicated to the study in high magnetic fields. We launch the international user program for foreign researchers from April 2022. Please refer to the following links for information on the available magnets, measurement techniques, and contact persons in charge at each facility.

About High Field Facilities

How to apply

Experiments in pulsed magnetic fields have technical limitations on the measurement conditions. In advance of submitting your proposal, please directly consult with the contact person at each facility about the feasibility of your experiment, or please submit the following query to the facility you wish to use.

Query for each facility

If it is confirmed that the experiment is feasible, please complete the research proposal form and submit it to the contact person in charge. Please also submit the personal information form when applying for the first time. We will inform you of the result of the review within two months after the submission.

Application Period

Regular application

end of May (for experiments: October 1 of the same year – March 31 )
end of November (for experiments: April 1 of the following year – September 30)

Urgent application

deadline: end of each month (for experiments from the second following month)

We may support the travel expenses for a few regular applications. If you wish to have financial support for travel expenses, please select YES in the travel expense request section of the application form.